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Corrosion engineering consultant

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Nickel Institute (NI)

The Nickel Institute (NI) was established in 1984 as the market development and applications-research arm of the primary nickel industry. An international, non-profit organization, supported by nickel producers, NI directs a diverse worldwide program from its head office in Toronto, Canada. We also have offices in Australia, Brazil, China, India, Japan and South Korea as well as two offices in the United Kingdom.

NI main objective is to develop and support the growth of markets and applications for nickel and nickel-containing materials and provide information to support market access of these materials. To that end, our materials specialists lead various development projects in a wide range of consumer and industrial markets around the globe to increase awareness of the technical and life-cycle advantages of nickel and nickel-containing materials and the contribution which these materials bring to the environment and the quality of everyday life.

NI provides technical assistance to engineers, architects, fabricators, manufacturers and others who have an interest in selecting or specifying nickel-containing materials for industrial or consumer applications. At the same time, our environmental, health and hygiene experts advise government regulators and others with regard to the human health and environmental effects of these materials to assist in developing regulations based on sound science. In addition, NI assists member companies and users of nickel in matters of product stewardship, life cycle assessment, recycling and sustainable development.

We provide current, verifiable data and information on the engineering and the environmental, health and hygiene properties and applications of the vast array of nickel and nickel-containing materials available today to assist in solving specific industrial materials challenges in ways consistent with sustainable development objectives.